
In Training

Back in school, I was on the wrestling team. It was the only sport I took part in, and I did so all 4 years I was there. That's not to say I was any good, though. (Honestly, I stunk.) When I first joined the team, I was clueless as to just how much har... »

The Rise of a Dictator

The Rise of a Dictator

Folks, I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Independent or completely non-political, we all need to open our eyes as to what is happening. Not is Egypt or Lybia or Iran... I'm talking about right here at home. Today, February 23, 2011 we are w... »

Pope Says This is Our Last Christmas #ourCOG

Pope Says This is Our Last Christmas #ourCOG

Pope Says This is Our Last Christmas #ourCOG Pope Message: “Christmas Is Cancelled Now That World John Ruffle »

Pillar of Defense: Summary of Overnight Events, Nov 17

Pillar of Defense: Summary of Overnight Events, Nov 17

Overnight, the IDF targeted Hamas government buildings as well as several rocket launching squads that were involved in firing rockets toward Israel. As part of the IDF targeting of government buildings, Ismail Haniya’s headquarters, the Hamas Ministry of Interior, and Related posts: Summary of Overnight Events Summary of Overnight Events, 11 Jan 2009, 08:24 IST Operation Cast Lead: Summary ... »