
Nick Park, COG National Overseer of Ireland: A Church Divided

Posted on July 22, 2008 by travjohnson GUEST BLOGGER: Nick Park, National Overseer of the COG in Ireland and pastor ofSolid Rock Church In 1995 I was a struggling Church Planter in Drogheda, Ireland. Our Church had no money, no building, and a grand total of 21 members – most of whom were unemployed and living off Welfare. Brother Doug LeRoy came to visit us on the recommendation of a mutual acqua... »

Lewis Nominated Church of God General Overseer

Lewis Nominated Church of God General Overseer ... »

Lewis Nominated Church of God General Overseer

Lewis Nominated Church of God General Overseer ... »

My Last 100 Days As General Overseer

At the close of the 2024 General Assembly, I will have been afforded 8 years of service to the Church of God denomination as it’s General... »