
August 22, 2017–State/regional overseers are gathered in Orlando, Florida for…

August 22, 2017–State/regional overseers are gathered in Orlando, Florida for…

The attenders of this elite leadership meeting will not be personal out-of-pocket expenditures but will be paid for by COG membership funding from State and General Hqt. funds. What would be a total cost from the church for this gathering? August 22, 2017–State/regional overseers are gathered in Orlando, Florida for the FINISH Forum, a biennial leadership conference for the Church of God. The open... »

I,would like to know how district overseer,s can black ball…

I,would like to know how district overseer,s can black ball a man of God filled with the Holy Ghost because they are Jelious of that man ? if he has 8or 9 churches on his route and they cut you off then every one he meets he spreads lie,s and they cut you off ,and when you try to leave town to preach he finds out where you r at and starts on you again He has his congragation fooled ,he acts so inn... »

Sharing the Load: The First State Overseers

When the sixth General Assembly met in Cleveland, Tennessee, January 3-8, 1911, the Church of God had grown to fifty-eight churches, 107 ministers, and 1,855 members. Despite this growth, General Overseer A.J. Tomlinson expressed disappointment. Tomlin... »

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