
What Does it Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 2) :: By Paul J. Scharf

What are we really calling for when we entreat people to stand with the people, nation, and land of Israel? We’ve been pondering that question during this period of unprecedented, frightful, and downright dangerous antisemitism—the worst that the world has witnessed since the dreadful days of the Holocaust. We began last time by considering some […] The post What Does it Mean to Stand with Israel?... »

Ready Remnant of Tribulation Saints: Part One :: By C. Gray Adams

***There is a special message here and at the end of this article. ***I believe the book of Revelation is to be interpreted literally, and symbolism is to be used only when the author specifies it. With this in mind, the following begins to describe ho... »

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Evangelicals And NAR VS. The King James Holy Bible Part #2

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Evangelicals And NAR VS. The King James Holy Bible Part #2

The 7 Mountains Mandate of the New Apostolic Reformation and the Evangelicals is antithetical to rightly divided Bible doctrine for Christians living in the last days We inadvertently unleashed a little bit of a firestorm today in our article on how the ‘apostles’ of the New Apostolic Reformation, also known as NAR, along with much […] The post NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Evangelicals And NAR VS. ... »

We’re Not Ignorant of Satan’s Schemes: Pt 12, Final Part :: By Ron Ferguson

This is the closing Part of this study on not being ignorant of Satan’s devices, and it is a difficult article. It might only appeal to those who like poems and like to inquire into things. The poem is fairly difficult; I hope you will take up the challenge. This poem of mine is part […] The post We’re Not Ignorant of Satan’s Schemes: Pt 12, Final Part :: By Ron Ferguson appeared first on Rapture ... »