
Considering Emerging End-Time Signs: Part 3:: By Gene Lawley

As this current indication of an end-time sign continues to unfold, it appears to have prophetic support from the words of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, which says, ” Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed….” The […] The post Considering Emerging End-Time Signs: Part 3:: By Gene Lawley appeared first on Rapture Rea... »

Praise is Our Purpose Part 1 | Jentezen Franklin

Praise is Our Purpose Part 1 | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Praise is Our Purpose Part 1”. Lucifer was not always the devil; he was once the anointed cherub of praise, created to praise and bring glory to God. But he rebelled and was cast out of Heaven. Now, the devil wants to take out your praise because we took his place, and he knows the power of our praise. Will you release the power of praise in your life? To hear more inspiring m... »

Man Has Twisted and Opposed God’s Creation: Part 1 :: By Ron Ferguson

We are now living in a twisted, contorted, and inverted world. In fact, the change has not been a slow creeping of the years but a very rapid convolution that has ascended from the pit and into the world. In almost every aspect of human existence that was taken for granted and had stability in […] The post Man Has Twisted and Opposed God’s Creation: Part 1 :: By Ron Ferguson appeared first on Rapt... »

Considering Emerging End-Time Signs: Part 2 :: By Gene Lawley

There is a unique passage of Scripture that has displayed openly for centuries the outline of God’s plan for major events of the Christian gospel’s duration. It is the presentation of the seven feasts of the Lord, which God told Moses to put on the Jewish calendar, recorded in Leviticus 23. The world has basically […] The post Considering Emerging End-Time Signs: Part 2 :: By Gene Lawley appeared ... »