**Part 3 **is now online (made with brotherly love) -…
**Part 3 **is now online (made with brotherly love) – the Prosperity Gospel has done a lot of internal and external damage to the Christian faith, which I am exposing in this series. Stay safe, and peace of Christ with you all. »
Part 2 of New Testatment Reliability with Dr. Lydia McGrew….
Part 2 of New Testatment Reliability with Dr. Lydia McGrew. Today’s evidence is undesigned coincidences. Make sure to come back next week for the 3rd and final portion! »
FULL PART 5 | Poured Out
When we live a life of FULL, the God that is around us then becomes the God that resides within us, desiring for us to overflow to those around us. In week five of our series, FULL, we are encouraged to pray “God fill me up so I can fill others up”. »