
Heart Smart PART 5 | Pure Heart Diagnosis

Heart Smart PART 5 | Pure Heart Diagnosis

God blesses those whose hearts are pure and there are some characteristics that flow out of pure hearts. Pastor Tony teaches us that the evidence of a pure heart are attributes like grace, faith, hope, truth and love. Want to diagnose where your heart is? Ask yourself if your heart produces any of these. »

Part 10 Continued, Rock Solid Part 2 – Red Letters

Part 10 Continued, Rock Solid Part 2 – Red Letters »

February 24, 2019 – Heart Smart PART 4 – VIMEO

February 24, 2019 – Heart Smart PART 4 – VIMEO

Heart Smart PART 4 »

Heart Smart PART 3 | Who Owes Who?

Heart Smart PART 3 | Who Owes Who?

Pastor Tony teaches us that when we carry the weight of guilt it becomes a repetitive cycle in our lives and when our heart is messed up we have a hard time seeing God. Don’t carry the weight of sin that’s already been forgiven. Embrace the grace that God has so generously given all of us. »