
Paul Conn: Never Bring a Knife to a Gunfight

President Paul Conn | Source: That’s a bit of common-sense advice that I never expect to use, in a literal sense. I hope never to be in a gunfight, with a knife or otherwise. But I get the message: make sure your weapons match up to the situation, or more particularly of your opponent. The cultural wars of the 21st Century are a g... »

Opening Thoughts from President Paul Conn


Lee University Paul Conn Style

Lee University Paul Conn Style

The annual Lee University Faculty/Staff Christmas party video. This is a parody of the web’s most watched videos of all time. We take Gangnam Style and put a twist with our president Dr. Paul Conn for Lee University Paul Conn Style. The music is Psy’s but the characters are ours. Enjoy. Lee University Video Productions Phil Nitz as Dr. Paul Conn »

Convocation Fall 2012 • Dr. Paul Conn

Convocation Fall 2012 • Dr. Paul Conn
