
I pray this will be helpful and a blessing

I pray this will be helpful and a blessing

I pray this will be helpful and a blessing, »

Interesante articulo sobre el moribundo/a y la sanación divina.

Interesante articulo sobre el moribundo/a y la sanación divina. Cómo prepararse para cruzar la línea de llegada: decisiones al final de la vida Por Christina M.H. Powell »

Dios les bendiga / God bless

Dios les bendiga / God bless. »

OXFORD Types of Pentecostal Theology: Method, System, Spirit

In the first critical study of the major theologians of pentecostalism, one of the fastest growing and most influential religious traditions in the world, Christopher A. Stephenson establishes four original categories to classify pentecostal theologians’ methodologies in systematic/constructive theology. The four categories are based respectively on: the arrangement of biblical texts; the re... »