
In Seasons of Waiting, Learn to Love People

Relationships ultimately matter more than anything else on earth because people are the only things guaranteed to exist forever. God is building a forever family and he not only wants you in it, but he also wants you to love the rest of his family and ... »

Centuries-Old Historic German Church Draws 1,200 People To Attend A ‘Taylor Swift Worship Service’ Because She ‘Points The Way To God’

Centuries-Old Historic German Church Draws 1,200 People To Attend A ‘Taylor Swift Worship Service’ Because She ‘Points The Way To God’

The centuries-old Church of the Holy Spirit in Germany drew more than 1,200 people on Sunday for worship services featuring the music of Taylor Swift. I suppose it had to happen sooner or later, and maybe just a little surprised that only just now occurring, be that as it may, the worship of Taylor Swift […] The post Centuries-Old Historic German Church Draws 1,200 People To Attend A ‘Taylor Swift... »

Joe Biden Is Right Now Considering Declaring A ‘National Climate Emergency’ That Would Give Him Hitlerian Powers Over The American People

The Biden White House is considering declaring a ‘national climate emergency’ to block American energy development while appeasing its extremist environmentalist donor base. Oh, how I wish this was coming to you today from The Babylon Bee, but sadly it is actual news that is actually happening in Washington right now. Pretend president Joe Biden […] The post Joe Biden Is Right Now Considering Decl... »

Be About People :: By Lisa Heaton

In Dwell With Jesus, I asked if we have what it takes to stand and be effective for the kingdom every moment we’re here, be it one more week or several more years. Admittedly, I don’t have what it takes. And I’m sure you’ll agree that you don’t either. Only in dwelling with Jesus do […] The post Be About People :: By Lisa Heaton appeared first on Rapture Ready. »