
“Why People Will Not Come to Christ” Pastor D. R. Shortridge 2/10/19 AM Part 4

“Why People Will Not Come to Christ” Pastor D. R. Shortridge 2/10/19 AM Part 4

“Why People Will Not Come to Christ” Pastor D. R. Shortridge 2/10/19 AM Part 4 Streaming Every Sunday @ 11:00 AM Sunday @ 6:30 PM Wednesday @ 7:30 ETA Thanks for joining us in worship. »

What kind of oil do you use in your church to anoint people?

What kind of oil do you use in your church to anoint people?


We the people…

We the people…


5 Reasons Why People are Leaving the Church

5 Reasons Why People are Leaving the Church

1) Your Sunday productions have worn thin. 2) You speak in a foreign tongue. 3) Your vision can’t see past your building. 4) You choose lousy battles. 5) Your love doesn’t look like love. »