5 Reasons Why People are Leaving the Church
1) Your Sunday productions have worn thin. 2) You speak in a foreign tongue. 3) Your vision can’t see past your building. 4) You choose lousy battles. 5) Your love doesn’t look like love. »
1) Your Sunday productions have worn thin. 2) You speak in a foreign tongue. 3) Your vision can’t see past your building. 4) You choose lousy battles. 5) Your love doesn’t look like love. »
85% of churches are stuck or in decline. People avoid church where they cannot get connected. People view church as one-way communication and they don’t want to be lectured. They want to participate. Successful churches understand how relationships develop. There is a difference between a friendly church and a welcoming church. »
We know not why good people have to die, but we do know we must tell their story… #ourCOG Related items #ToT nationwide campaign... »