
Guest Post – Creating a Campus Culture of Loving Judgment (Part 2)

In the last post, I shared how the biblical doctrine of judgment stabilized my own spiritual imbalances and insecurities, thus welcoming me, a sinner, into the presence of a righteous... »

Pastor Samuel Rodriguez is preaching a post tribulational, dominionism sermon….

Pastor Samuel Rodriguez is preaching a post tribulational, dominionism sermon. The hell he is preaching is the tribulation prior to the millennial kingdom. This is a kingdom now message. »

in reference to your post concerning Administrative Bishop Michale E….

in reference to your post concerning Administrative Bishop Michale E. Corder Have you ever picked up the phone and tried to ask him personally? (I think not) There’s the passage in scripture that say’s “if you are not cool with a brother in Christ…go to him First and work it out” I can also give you the KJV…if needed! »

Pre or post rapture believers??

Pre or post rapture believers?? »