
Sunday, January 24, 2021 Praise and Worship

Sunday, January 24, 2021 Praise and Worship

Pastor Steve Allen leads the Westmore congregation in Praise and Worship along with the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra presenting “Bless the Lord at All Times” and “Jesus, It Is You.” Your generosity helps this ministry move forward! Give online at ? Subscribe to this channel for powerful and inspiring praise and worship: »

Encores of Praise I Tuesday, July 21

Encores of Praise I Tuesday, July 21

Join General Overseer Tim Hill and “Encores of Praise” as tonight we feature special guests The Crabb Family and the Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers and highlight a dynamic message by Dr. Tony Evans from the 2018 International General Assembly. »

Encore of Praise I Monday, July 20

Encore of Praise I Monday, July 20

Join General Overseer Tim Hill as he hosts five nights of reminiscing on the blessings of the International General Assembly! Starting tonight, July 20, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., and each night through July 24, relive the music and messages of the past two General Assembly events. »

Praise and Worship

Praise and Worship

Minister of Music and Media, Steve Allen leading in worship with the Westmore Praise Team and Band singing, “Ain’t No Grave,” and “Jesus Messiah,” and “What A Beautiful Name.” Westmore Sanctuary Choir ministering in song with “Red Letters” and “Peace In Jesus.” Plus, special performances from the Cherub Choir and Element Dance Team. Sunday Morning Se... »