
23 Million Praying #shorts | Jentezen Franklin

23 Million Praying #shorts | Jentezen Franklin

This is “23 Million Praying” To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your testimony to encourage us and others: https://jent... »

23 Million Praying #shorts | Jentezen Franklin

23 Million Praying #shorts | Jentezen Franklin

This is “23 Million Praying” To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your testimony to encourage us and others: https://jent... »

Praying for The Donald? ‪#‎Trump‬


Weapons of Our Warfare: Praying in Tongues

Weapons of Our Warfare: Praying in Tongues

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching on the weapons of the believer’s warfare. This is the fifth in a series of teachings from Shane’s book “Anointed for Battle”. On this episode he teaches on The Baptism of The Holy Spirit with the evidence of tongues. To order a copy of Shane’s book “ANOINTED FOR BATTLE”, please click on this link to the Amazo... »