
Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2012)

Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2012)

Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2012) | The Vision (Re: attacks, Iran etc) PERRY STONE’s website and email ^ On Tuesday night, January 24, I was host on the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN). Our guests were Dr. Ron Phillips, Bishop Paul Zink and Damon Thompson. Each one brought a very significant right [...] »

Perry Stone Prophecy in Israel 1

Perry Stone Prophecy in Israel 1


Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN)

Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN)

Did the Bible Prophesied About ‘Nuclear Deal With Iran’ And Predicted It Will Be A Complete Catastrophe? Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2012) | The Vision (Re: attacks, Iran etc) PERRY STONE’s website and email ^ On Tuesday night, January 24, I was host on the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN). Our guests were Dr. Ron Phillips, Bishop Paul Zink and Damon Thompson. Ea... »

There is another prophecy concerning Iran that possibly precedes the…

There is another prophecy concerning Iran that possibly precedes the…

There is another prophecy concerning Iran that possibly precedes the Gog and Magog scenario outlined by Ezekiel. In Jeremiah 49:34-39, we are told that Elam will come under the judgement of God for co »