
Bryan Cutshall | A Prophet’s Revival | 10/10/2017

Bryan Cutshall | A Prophet’s Revival | 10/10/2017

Moderator maintains rights to ban anyone. Please stay focused on the service. Visit us at to submit your prayer requests. You can tithe and give offerings to the ministry at This message will be available to purchase tomorrow. Call 423-478-3456. »

GA22 AGENDA: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds and Teachers

Announcement: A special commission will be appointed by the General Overseer to study the feasibility and operational challenges/opportunities of expanding the International Executive Council, as well as the designation of certain groups to be represented, with special emphasis on the following areas that have already been addressed by the International Executive Council but need further study: • ... »

Do you believe in modern Prophets & Apostles?

I recently picked up a Charisma magazine. Generally, I have very literal interest in what's going on in the church world beyond my own neighborhood. I stay loosely informed, but I despise christian fads. What struck me from Charisma was the preponderan... »

Blairs Inducted into PTS ‘Hall of Prophets’

Blairs Inducted into PTS ‘Hall of Prophets’ ... »