
Chicago’s Narragansett Church of God, Rev. James L. Slay and the 1948 Church of God Declaration of Faith

Chicago’s Narragansett Church of God, Rev. James L. Slay and the 1948 Church of God Declaration of Faith

Rev. James Slay of the Narragansett Church of God in Chicago was commissioned to write the book entitled, THIS WE BELIEVE in connection to the 1948 Church of God Declaration of Faith.  During the forties, you could see him driving around Cleveland in a white and green Packard. His hair was much longer then and somewhat wavy. Later, he was heard preaching a sermon at the Narragansett Church of God ... »




365 Day Devotionals

96 365 Day Devotionals ... »

Selected Publications by Rev. Charles Fox Parham

The Life of Charles F. Parham The Evelasting Gospel Charles F. Parham Voice Crying in the Wilderness Selected Sermons of Charles Parham CHARLES FOX PARHAM: Founder of the Apostolic Faith In a time when divine healing and moves of the Spirit had scarcely been heard of, Charles Parham introduced the American Church to the power […] »