
Church of God Taught About Race

Race is the thing we seem to obsess about these days. That, in part, is because Americans on both sides of the political and religious spectrum have hung their hats on it, either explicitly (on the left) or implicitly (on the right). Looking at the results, the conventional wisdom on the subject has been unhelpful either in righting past wrongs or (more importantly) moving things forward for every... »

Chapter 7: Race, Ethnicity and Views About Medical Treatments and Radical Life Extension

As noted earlier, views about radical life extension tend to vary by race and ethnicity. Blacks and Hispanics are more likely than (non-Hispanic) whites to say that radical life extension would be a good thing for society, and they are also somewhat more inclined to say that they personally would want life-extending treatments. The reasons […] »

The Pentecostal Construction Of Race: Churches Of God In The American Religious Frontier 1884—1955

The Pentecostal Construction Of Race: Churches Of God In The American Religious Frontier 1884—1955

The Pentecostal Construction Of Race: Churches Of God In The American Religious Frontier 1884—1955 This dissertation is dedicated to: my grandmothers who taught me to be Pentecostal through their actions, bodies, words, and enduring love: Carie Cullender Brady, Edna Mae “Ma” Tucker, “Granny” Shirley Hudson and “Granny” Evelyn Brady. my partner, spouse, friend and love Samantha. The “joy of the Lor... »

Running the Race to Win

Running the Race to Win

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching about the race of faith that every Christian is called to. http://www.prayerfaithministry.com »

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