
@dasjr @revkevinwalker @mdmcmullin @jonathanstone Yes, Sir. Do not wait for updates on this tweet feed after the RAPTURE of #ourCOG #COGreform

@dasjr @BroKEV83 @mdmcmullin @jonathanstone Yes, Sir. Do not wait for updates on this tweet feed after the RAPTURE of #ourCOG #COGreform »

The Rapture it’s a done deal you can’t run away…

The Rapture it’s a done deal you can’t run away…

The Rapture it’s a done deal you can’t run away or be confused about it because you will see him as he is when he appears.1John3vs2.”Dear friends.now we are children of God. And what we will be has not yet been made known.but we know that when he appears,we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Please let we be filled with the word of God rather than with fear and con... »

ALL children taken in the RAPTURE?

ALL children taken in the RAPTURE?

There is a popular theory among Pentecostals and others that at the rapture, all the children of the world will be taken away with... »

The ominous "black Friday" is upon us! It is time for rapture rations! Where are all the women, first to go I guess? #ourCOG

The ominous "black Friday" is upon us! It is time for rapture rations! Where are all the women, first to go I guess? #ourCOG »