
I have always enjoyed reading R. Leonard Carroll's books. Here…

I have always enjoyed reading R. Leonard Carroll's books. Here…

I have always enjoyed reading R. Leonard Carroll’s books. Here is one of them. In the short time that he was GO, he really picked up on a lot things that I never could understand at that time, but now have a full understanding of his messages in the CoG Evangel. »

Came across this number in my reading this week. Taylor…

Came across this number in my reading this week. Taylor Swiff the singer/entertainer has generated 317.8 million just since January of this year. It is estimated that she has netted about 250 million of this after expenses and before taxes, after taxes about 160 million or so. I wonder how this compares with the total revenue of the Church of God? Joyce Meyers is said to take in about 100 million ... »

Guest Post – Reading the Virtue of Memory

It belongs to the examined life to strive for excellence in the discipline of memory. The honest and diligent activity of remembering helps us in several ways. It can be... »


[Our Abba Father taught Jonah that the one He was looki […] »