
Eighty Muslims in Germany are said to have realized the…

Eighty Muslims in Germany are said to have realized the…

Eighty Muslims in Germany are said to have realized the falseness of Islam and accepted Christianity, as we read in one report: Close to 80 Muslims at a refugee camp in Hamburg, Germany, have been baptized into Christianity despite the ongoing physical and sexual abuse that Christian converts face a… »

A Vision Realized 2022

A Vision Realized 2022

NEW ourCOG APP: GET IT on the official Google Droid app PLAY STORE It was the 2010 humble effort of a few internet enthusiasts to create the #ourCOG web initiative as foundation for a social media platform where ideas could be freely exchanged with prayer and supplication for one another. Now, three years later, as this vision has been reali... »

A Vision Realized

A Vision Realized

  It was the 2010 humble effort of a few internet enthusiasts to create the #ourCOG web initiative as foundation for a social media platform where ideas could be freely exchanged with prayer and supplication for one another. Now, three years later, as this vision has been realized and embraced internationally, its power for transformation and transparency will continue to reconnect local comm... »