
The Rapture A Revelation of the Great Assembly | Episode 775

The Rapture A Revelation of the Great Assembly | Episode 775

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Some recommended resources on Revelation.

Some recommended resources on Revelation.

Okay, so I’ve gone on record with my extreme dislike (hate would be a better word, but I’m feeling generous) of a lot of popular resources on Revelation. But there really is brilliant, beautiful work out there that will help you access the text better. This is a good thing, since accessing the text better [...] »

The revelation of God in the Law

When questioned regarding his interpretation of the Torah, Jesus claimed that the two greatest commandments were as follows: "'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with... »

A study on Revelation chapter

A study on Revelation chapter

A study on Revelation chapter 8 and the first four trumpets. ## **Revelation Chapter 8** In Revelation 7, we discovered that Elohim is waiting for the 144,000 to be sealed before the trees, sea and the earth can be “hurt.” So does it make sense that the trees, sea and earth would be hurt once the 144,000 have been sealed? We will discover how those objects are “hurt” and to what extent in Revelati... »