
Far Beyond Awesome :: By Rick Segoine

There is so much going on in the world right now in regard to events related to end-times prophecies. Many great articles and commentaries have been and are being written about these things. All of the Rapture Ready writers agree that God is in control. No matter how it may appear, Almighty God the Father, […] The post Far Beyond Awesome :: By Rick Segoine appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Just What is AI? :: By Rick Segoine

That is the question. What is AI? Seems like an easy question to answer. The simple, straightforward, obvious answer would, of course, be that AI is an abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence. The wicked ones, however, who think Artificial Intelligence is a good thing, prefer to call it AI. That has to do with the fact […] The post Just What is AI? :: By Rick Segoine appeared first on Rapture Rea... »

Heavenly Father, Holy God of Israel :: By Rick Segoine

Everything that lives receives its life from our Heavenly Father. Everything that breathes receives its breath from our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father is the Holy God of Israel. In the first of the Ten Commandments that God wrote with a visible finger onto stone tablets in the presence of Moses, He says, “You shall […] The post Heavenly Father, Holy God of Israel :: By Rick Segoine appeared ... »

The World Stage is Set :: By Rick Segoine

All of the insane wickedness that is happening all over this little planet we call home can be a bit overwhelming at times. Yet, at the same time, thanks to Jesus, it is possible to be at peace and filled with hope (Philippians 4:7). One thing is absolutely a certainty. We are not getting farther […] The post The World Stage is Set :: By Rick Segoine appeared first on Rapture Ready. »