
The gospel is the power God to save sinners! Romans…

The gospel is the power God to save sinners! Romans 1:16 »


From Edwin M. Cotto CONTEXTUAL AND LOGICAL EVIDENCE IN ROMANS FOR A LAW THAT HAS NOT BEEN ABOLISHED According to the Encyclopedia, the letter to the Romans was probably written in AD 57.(1) This particular detail is important because the way Paul reasons in this letter requires that the law remain active rather than abolished. For example, Romans 2:12-13 says that it is the Law itself which will s... »

How do you guys balance Romans command to honor the…

How do you guys balance Romans command to honor the government, and our calling as warriors to defend the innocent? »

I have a specific question. He says in Romans 14:20-23:…

I have a specific question. He says in Romans 14:20-23:…

I have a specific question. He says in Romans 14:20-23: All foods are clean, however we are to try to not eat meat? I understand in this context its about not letting another fall into sin, but there is a reason why the word choice is meat (and wine). I also understand in the old testament we are not to eat unclean animals however we are under the new testament. Thoughts on this and on meat in gen... »