
Sunday School Lesson February 7th

Sunday School Lesson February 7th


Sunday School Lesson January 31st

Sunday School Lesson January 31st


Lee School of Nursing to Run Mass Casualty Drill

Lee School of Nursing to Run Mass Casualty Drill

On Wednesday, Nov. 29, the Lee University School of Nursing (SON) will conduct a mass casualty emergency drill from 12:30-5:30 p.m. Nursing students and faculty will participate in a response to an active shooter mass casualty drill to help nursing students learn how to treat life-threatening wounds in a high-stress situation. “This senior nursing student simulation is a vital component of teachin... »

International School of the Word (ISOW): Hebraic Roots, Customs and Traditions

International School of the Word (ISOW): Hebraic Roots, Customs and Traditions
