
ALL OUT WAR? The United States Sends Ground Troops To Middle East As Rapidly-Escalating Fight Between Israel And Hezbollah Threatens To Go Biblical

ALL OUT WAR? The United States Sends Ground Troops To Middle East As Rapidly-Escalating Fight Between Israel And Hezbollah Threatens To Go Biblical

The U.S. is sending troops to the Middle East in response to the surge in violence between Israel and Hezbollah and as the region teeters on the edge of an all-out war. All the elements are in place right now for an all-out regional war in the Middle East, so much so that the United States is […] The post ALL OUT WAR? The United States Sends Ground Troops To Middle East As Rapidly-Escalating Fight... »

Pope’s sudden resignation sends shockwaves through Church

Pope’s sudden resignation sends shockwaves through Church

Pope Benedict stunned the Roman Catholic Church on Monday when he announced he would stand down, the first pope to do so in 700 years, saying he no longer had the mental and physical strength to carry on. Church officials tried to relay a climate of calm confidence in the running of a 2,000-year-old institution, but the decision could lead to uncertainty in a Church already besieged by scandal for... »

5 Social Media Myths in the Church

5 Social Media Myths in the Church

Church planters and pastors have finally come around to the concept that there may be a place for social media in their ministry. But I still find that there remain a lot of myths about what social media can do for the ministry. Here are 5 social media myths we encounter in the order that […] »

Pope sends telegram to Methodist

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a message to the Methodist and Waldensian (Valdese) churches on occasion of their 24-29 August Synod in Torre Pellice, Turin, Italy. The telegram, signed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin on behalf of the Holy Father, offers the Pope’s “fraternal” welcome and assures participants of his spiritual closeness as they undertake their discussion... »

Prime Minister Netanyahu Sends an Important Message to the World

Prime Minister Netanyahu Sends an Important Message to the World
