
First day of assembly sessions…

Posted on August 6, 2008 by clintwills There are already several outlets across the internet where you can find out who was elected to which offices. We havent posted it here yet, so I will fill in the blanks. YCE Director: Tom Madden YCE Assistant: Gary Lewis HM Director: JImmy Smith HM Assistant: Larry Timmerman WM Director: Bro LeRoy (I missed his first name…oops) WM Assistant: Victor Pagan – h... »

First day of assembly sessions…

Posted on August 6, 2008 by clintwills There are already several outlets across the internet where you can find out who was elected to which offices. We havent posted it here yet, so I will fill in the blanks. YCE Director: Tom Madden YCE Assistant: Gary Lewis HM Director: JImmy Smith HM Assistant: Larry Timmerman WM Director: Bro LeRoy (I missed his first name…oops) WM Assistant: Victor Pagan – h... »

“Around the World” Zoom Sessions

Dr. David M. Griffis, General Director of Church of God World Missions, and Dr. M. Thomas Propes, Assistant General Director, met for three days individually by Zoom, with the Five Field Directors for World Missions and their Regional Superintendents representing Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Europe and the Middle East. These Regions represent [...] »

Special Sessions Called for Upcoming General Assembly

Special Sessions Called for Upcoming General Assembly ... »

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