
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: World’s Richest Man Elon Musk Wants To Colonize Mars To Create An Interplanetary Society With ‘Direct Democracy’

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: World’s Richest Man Elon Musk Wants To Colonize Mars To Create An Interplanetary Society With ‘Direct Democracy’

In our look at Elon Musk today, we are not shouting ‘the Martians are coming!!’, we are asking if they are already here. At first blush, Elon Musk looks like just another power-hungry billionaire with a messiah complex who wants to control the world, and there is no shortage of those people. Mark Zukerberg, Jeff […] The post NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: World’s Richest Man Elon Musk Wants To Coloni... »

An Open Letter about the Global Crisis of Civil Society since 2020

An Open Letter about the Global Crisis of Civil Society since 2020

An Open Letter about the Global Crisis of Civil Society since 2020 Darin Stephanov, Ph.D. (historian, Harvard) Bistra Strechkova, microbiologist (formerly with Novartis Pharmaceuticals Dear friends, colleagues, and acquaintances we have crossed paths with at some point in life: My wife Bistra and I hereby commence this long and difficult letter to you, which we consider our civic duty. We wish to ... »

Bulgaria in the Archives of the British and Foreign Bible Society in Cambridge

Bulgaria in the Archives of the British and Foreign Bible Society in Cambridge

For the past 15 years, which we have dedicated to the study and translation of the Bulgarian Bible, it has been a personal dream of ours to visit and work with the Cambridge Library and more specifically with the historical documents which are related to the translation and publication of the Bulgarian Bible through the [...] »

Historical Society of Church of God Movements

YOU ARE INVITED to the annual meeting of the Historical Society of Church of God Movements, Thursday, May 26, 2022, in the Ministry Training Center at the Church of God of Prophecy International Offices, 3720 Keith Street NW, Cleveland, TN, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. This is the 20th Anniversary of the Society. Our special guest speaker this year is Dr. Michael Padgett from Middlesboro, Kentucky... »