
A Christmas Special | Jentezen Franklin

A Christmas Special | Jentezen Franklin

This is “A Christmas Special.” Mary and Joseph lost Jesus during passover. They didn’t lose relationship, they lost fellowship. We easily can miss our time with Jesus, too. The tree is up, the packages are wrapped, the car is serviced for travel … but the Bible is closed. In this message, we learn to hold tight to the message of Christmas and experience the best gift of all. To h... »

A KC Christmas Special | Jentezen Franklin

A KC Christmas Special | Jentezen Franklin

This is “A KC Christmas Special.” The birth of Jesus is what we celebrate during Christmas, but YOU are the reason for the season. He came to express the love of God for you. You’re not just a number to Him; He knows your name. In this special Christmas edition of Kingdom Connection with Jentezen Franklin, learn that God doesn’t love you from a distance; He is Emanuel, God with us. To ... »

Princeton Church Online Christmas Special!

Princeton Church Online Christmas Special!


Princeton Church Online Christmas Special!

Princeton Church Online Christmas Special!
