
I remember when the arguments began about who first spoke…

I remember when the arguments began about who first spoke in tongues at the turn of the century. It began as an on-going debate about where modern Pentecostalism began. Was it in the Cherokee mountains in Carolina/Tennessee or was it at Azusa Street, California? I never was taken in by the Azusa Street stories. I believed that they were parallel beginnings neither influenced by the other. By 1910 ... »

Was the Impartation ceremony Kenneth Copeland spoke over Steve Lowery…

Was the Impartation ceremony Kenneth Copeland spoke over Steve Lowery at the North Cleveland CoG T. L. Lowery memorial service a move of the Holy Spirit? Was God in this ceremonial impartation? »

What lead to Abraham believing it was God who spoke…

What lead to Abraham believing it was God who spoke to him? This same God could also make beings that could make their own world, if God willed the desire to make such beings. Such a being could obviously perform miracles and fortell true prophecies in his/her world. Abraham obviously believed God didn’t make such beings, or, he believed that it wasn’t that being who spoke to him. What... »