
tnCOG: Easter Community Egg Hunt in Cleveland

tnCOG: Easter Community Egg Hunt in Cleveland

All friends in the Cleveland, TN area please help spread the word. Lakeveiw Church of God is having an Easter Egg Hunt at Oak Grove School April 15, 2017 at 12:00. Please stop by for FREE: Faith fun food fellowship 6,000 stuffed eggs hot dogs icees popcorn blowup face painting live rabbits and more If you have kids please come join us as we will have God Bless, hope to see you there!   »

3RD PENTECOST 4.14.23?

3RD PENTECOST 4.14.23?


Free Speech Victory at Palm Beach State College

After a two-year-long lawsuit, Palm Beach State College has agreed to revise its speech policy so that students no longer need permission to express themselves on campus. “Public colleges and universities should encourage, not shut down, the free exc... »

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant 2014 #ISIS TIMELINE #ourCOG Roundup

October 2014[edit] 1 October: The town of Taza Kharmatho was retaken by Peshmerga and Iraqi Army forces, but remained uninhabitable, due to the booby traps that had been left by ISIL.[295] 2 October: The Turkish Parliament voted 298:98 to authorize anti-ISIL operations, following concerns over ISIL advances close to Turkey’s borders. Turkey will allow foreign anti-ISIL military operations to... »