
State Administrative Bishop Preference/Evaluation voting process

96 State Administrative Bishop Preference/Evaluation voting process ... »

General Assembly Postponed until 2022

General Assembly Postponed until 2022

Cleveland, TN—The International Executive Council of the Church of God met in their regularly-scheduled spring session on Monday, April 20, 2020, where they made the historic decision to postpone the 78th International General Assembly until 2022. In what would have been a session to finalize the agenda for the Assembly, members of the Church’s governing body instead grappled with the fallout of t... »

First Church of God Assembly Commemoration Service

First Church of God Assembly Commemoration Service

The public is invited to help commemorate the First Assembly that took place in January 1906 that birthed the Church of God and the Church of God of Prophecy. The event will be held at the First Assembly House near Fields of the Wood in Murphy, North Carolina. The program will begin at 11 am and will include a reading of the First Assembly Minutes, comments by Dr. Harold Hunter, director of Intern... »

Christmas Children’s Book Release: ‘A Nativity Christmas’

Just in time for Christmas, author Tawney Anderson has released her new children’s book: “A Nativity Christmas.” Tawney has combined her talents as a playwright and theater director to create a unique host of characters that bring this Christmas story to life. Combined with animal character illustrations, “A Nativity Christmas” creates theater of the mind […] »