
kyCOG Organized a new church

kyCOG Organized a new church

"Behold all things have become new" Organized a new church today in a 200 year old renovated building. — Bruce Rabon (@Kycogbishop) January 8, 2017 »

Engaging Biblical Principles in Today’s Health Care Environment

With a new year on the horizon, many Americans are once again facing difficult health care decisions because of the health insurance requirement still in force under the federal Affordable Care Act. This is especially true as the open enrollment deadline of Jan. 31, 2017, is just around the corner. Samaritan Ministries International (, with […] »

Relax Christians—You’re Not Being Persecuted

Everywhere I look lately, I’m assaulted with reoccurring updates, tweets, and political stump speeches about the “criminalization of Christianity.” The right seeks to strengthen their base with a narrative of fear. Senator Cruz, echoing the language of Mike Huckabee recently said, “Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force [... »

5 Tips for Developing Opinions Worth Having

Opinions can be dangerous. The perspective I adopted yesterday can adversely affect the way I assimilate information tomorrow. If I’m not careful, a poorly formed opinion will dramatically undermine my intellectual growth and emotional maturity. On some level, we all know that not every opinion is a good one. Some are considerably more rational and sophisticated than […] The... »