
Perry Stone | What’s Over Your Head is Under His Feet | Sea of Galilee 2016

Perry Stone | What’s Over Your Head is Under His Feet | Sea of Galilee 2016

Message delivered on the Sea of Galilee during the Remnant Israel tour in November 2016 »

Perry Stone – Prodigies & Cosmic Harbinger Reveal Time of End

Perry Stone – Prodigies & Cosmic Harbinger Reveal Time of End

Discover How Strange Prophecies Can Now Be Fulfilled Numerous cosmic signs have been revealed to us over the past five years. On this DVD, Perry explains the blood moons and the events mentioned by Jesus in Luke 21. Jesus Christ Himself said, referring to the days before His second coming: “And there will be fearful sights and GREAT SIGNS from heaven” (Luke 21:11, KJV). Christ went on,... »

Perry Stone – The Power of Fasting part 2

Perry Stone – The Power of Fasting part 2


The Controversial “J” Word | Perry Stone

The Controversial “J” Word | Perry Stone

Watch Perry Stone’s latest YouTube video. Don’t forget to like, Subscribe and share! #perrystone #prophecy #mannafest PSM Website: PSTV: Facebook: Twitter: »