
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: People Shocked To Find Out That The ‘Mean And Fiery God’ Of The Old Testament Is The Same ‘Loving God’ In The New Testament

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: People Shocked To Find Out That The ‘Mean And Fiery God’ Of The Old Testament Is The Same ‘Loving God’ In The New Testament

God in the Old Testament killed a man for picking up sticks on the Sabbath day, God in the New Testament died in our place on the cross. They are one in the same. When you read through the Old Testament, especially in the Torah, it can be eye-watering how severe and seemingly harsh that […] The post NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: People Shocked To Find Out That The ‘Mean And Fiery God’ Of The Old Testame... »

A study on Revelation chapter 7 **Revelation Chapter 7** Revelation…

A study on Revelation chapter 7 **Revelation Chapter 7** Revelation…

A study on Revelation chapter 7 **Revelation Chapter 7** Revelation 7:1-4 most accurately describes the time in which we live. Elohim is waiting for the sealing of the 144,000 to be completed before the events described in Daniel and Revelation can begin. 📷 ”And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the win... »

Study of the 10 Commandments….

Now we return to the study of the 10 Commandments. Today we look at the 6th Commandment “Tho shall not Kill” Because of the... »

A study on Revelation chapter

A study on Revelation chapter

A study on Revelation chapter 8 and the first four trumpets. ## **Revelation Chapter 8** In Revelation 7, we discovered that Elohim is waiting for the 144,000 to be sealed before the trees, sea and the earth can be “hurt.” So does it make sense that the trees, sea and earth would be hurt once the 144,000 have been sealed? We will discover how those objects are “hurt” and to what extent in Revelati... »