
Sunday Live!

Sunday Live!

Thank you for joining us today for service! Our prayer is no matter where you may be watching from, you would feel the love, hope, and presence of Jesus right where you are. _________ #citylifechurch #tonystewart #kacistewart #tampa #florida 1ST TIME VIEWER CARD: ONLINE GIVING: citylifeKIDS ONLINE: PRAYER REQUEST: ht... »

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP AT 10:30 AM Sunday School at 9:30…

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP AT 10:30 AM Sunday School at 9:30 AM | Evening Worship at 6 PM Dress Code: Come as you are Worship: Spirit-filled, passionate, engaging Which Church of God is this? “Come as you are?” »

We sing this in our church nearly every Sunday!

We sing this in our church nearly every Sunday!

We sing this in our church nearly every Sunday! »

The top ten Sunday Schools in the COG in 1954:…

The top ten Sunday Schools in the COG in 1954: Tremont Ave, Greenville S.C. 835; North Cleveland, Tenn 613; Anderson S. C. 470; North Chattanooga 448; Alabama city, Ala 420; Tabernacle Detroit, Mich 396; Clayton Street Middletown, Oh 376; Whitwell, Tn 364; Dillon 353 source- Lighted Pathway Dec 1954 How has this changed in the last 62 years? »