
Sunday Live!

Sunday Live!

Thank you for joining us today for service! Our prayer is no matter where you may be watching from, you would feel the love, hope, and presence of Jesus right where you are. _________ #citylifechurch #tonystewart #kacistewart #tampa #florida 1ST TIME VIEWER CARD: ONLINE GIVING: citylifeKIDS ONLINE: PRAYER REQUEST: ht... »

Sunday Live!

Sunday Live!

Thank you for joining us today for service! Our prayer is no matter where you may be watching from, you would feel the love, hope, and presence of Jesus right where you are. _________ #citylifechurch #tonystewart #kacistewart #tampa #florida 1ST TIME VIEWER CARD: ONLINE GIVING: citylifeKIDS ONLINE: PRAYER REQUEST: ht... »

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Welcome to Westmore! Catch us LIVE every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. EST to experience a Westmore service including inspiring music and worship, along with a timely message. If you are new to the Cleveland/Chattanooga area or visiting, we would love for you to join us here at our location (2440 Legacy Parkway, Cleveland, TN 37312). Let us know where you are watching from, (take a pic if you wish and... »

A Walk In Jesus Shoes (Resurrection Sunday)

This year for Resurrection Sunday, the children will receive a tour of the Resurrection story. A tour guide will walk them through different areas where the children will see each scene acted out. After the tour we will have discussion on the tour and... »