
Before we continue on the Bible translators…

Before we continue on the Bible translators, I want to re-post a very well said statement made by my colleague, Pastor Don D. Hargrave.... »

Dr. David Menton: A Look at Lucy’s Legacy

From Assemblies of God Creation Position – Restore Our Biblical Young Earth — Dr. David Menton: A Look at Lucy’s Legacy Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis)... »

Over 1 Million Support Boycotting A&E Following ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star’s Suspension #StandWithPhil

WEST MONROE, La. (CBS Houston) — Over 1 million people support boycotting A&E following the suspension of “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson. As of Thursday evening, more than 1 million people have “liked” the “Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty” Facebook page. “This page is to show support for the freedom of speech of Americans. Unless Phil is reinstated to the s... »

I support PHIL #StandWithPhil
