
The Veil Calls

I struggle not so much with the chaos of the world as I do with how to reshape the world. My life must count beyond this life. I know it matters. I know there is an eternal world just thinly veiled beyond my walk. The veil solicits me to poke holes in it so the […] Related posts:Christ-Like In A Caesar-Like World Is It Possible For Your Life To Be A Prophetic Voice To The World? It Is Not ... »

D-Day Landing Prayer Read on US Senate Floor

The D-Day Landing Prayer Act took center stage on the U.S. Senate floor on Wednesday. Sen. Rob Portman and Sen. Joseph Lieberman jointly read the bill, along with the entire prayer President Franklin Delano Roosevelt prayed with the nation the morning ... »

D-Day Landing Prayer Act Introduced in U.S. Senate

D-Day Landing Prayer Act Introduced in U.S. Senate

Today, the D-Day Landing Prayer Act took another step closer to becoming a reality. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, responding to the wishes of veterans and their families, introduced this legislation which will add FDR’s D-Day Landing Prayer in its... »

EVERY 26 MINUTES a pastor leaves ministry never to return

EVERY 26 MINUTES a pastor leaves ministry never to return

Thank you for taking a moment to read June’s newsletter. On average, every 26 minutes a pastor leaves the ministry never to return. That is about 1500 every four weeks. I know some and my guess is you do too. I spoke with a minister friend a couple of weeks ago at a very difficult [...] »