
I’m Not A Big Fan Of Cursing The Darkness

I’m not a big fan of cursing the darkness. As a Christ follower,  we should be primarily concerned with being salt and light. While it’s true, the Bible calls us to reprove the works of darkness, reproving darkness and cursing the darkness are two different approaches entirely. Cursing the darkness is throwing condemnation at those [...] Related posts:Does It Matter How Those Out... »


“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32 Every so often, I’m overcome with the urge. I tromp my way into the kitchen, raid my wife’s Pinterest boards, and […] »

Strength from Ages

“For by wise counsel, you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.” – Proverbs 24:6 For as long as I have lived, I have seen so many younger ministers let their egos get ahead of their character. For me, I believe that listening to older, wiser counselors is a way … »

Speed Bumps are Launching Pads

Several years ago, I was sitting at a stop light in Chicago, IL, when I felt something slightly bump the back of my car.  It was almost unnoticeable.  I looked in the rear-view mirror to see a buddy of mine looking down at his radio. I wasn’t even sure he realized that our cars had [...] »