
40 Days to Save America Prayer Points

What if the way to create jobs and get out of the $16-plus trillion debt was prayer and repentance? Christians nation-wide are praying September 28 to November 6 to have a God-fearing Christian government that serves the Lord Jesus Christ and follows t... »

Americans Demand Restoration of Their Religious Liberty

Americans Demand Restoration of Their Religious Liberty

In recent months, the media has been flooded with images of citizens gathering in city centers and lining the streets holding banners, waving signs, and speaking up for their religious freedom. Simultaneously, American courtrooms are now bursting with ... »

“Being Pentecostal” Event Scheduled for September 17-18

A two-day seminar is being held September 17-18, 2012, at the New Hope Church in Kodak, Tennessee. The presentational and interactive dialogue between two notable Pentecostal leaders is free to anyone who desires to participate. “Within the circles o... »

‘God’ References Scrubbed from Democratic Party Platform

Democrats took to the floor in Charlotte to hear speeches and also take part in a traditional ritual: approving the party’s platform. But this year something’s different. The Democrats have dropped all references to God from the document. T... »