
DNC Adds God to Platform, Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Last night, amid boos and screams of no, the Democratic National Convention chair, Antonio Villaraigosa, passed an amendment to the party’s platform that stated God was central to Democrats’ beliefs and recognized Jerusalem as the capital o... »

Petree Releases CD

SONGS FROM THE HEART.. could be the theme of Dr. Daryl Petree’s latest CD. After being off the road for nearly a year and a half he began to wonder if he would ever be able to return to the evangelistic field. First in 2009 it was a battle with p... »

Jack Hayford: Developing Christlike Character

Jack Hayford, founding pastor at The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, Calif. and the founder and chancellor of The King’s College and Seminary, is known for his keen insights on living for Jesus Christ. Check out this Q&A with Hayford for some insi... »

Back-to-School Outreach Ministers to Hundreds in Knoxville, Tenn.

The recent Back to School Outreach Day at the Freedom House Church of God in Knoxville, Tennessee proved to be one of great harvest and ministry. Over 5OO bags of school supplies were given away to needy families attending the morning worship service o... »