
My Favorite Season has Arrived!

My Favorite Season has Arrived!

This summer was one of the busiest I can recall. The conferences, working in the garden, canning hundreds of jars of food, Tuesday nights at the Extreme, and planning the details of the new OCI facility kept us in non-stop motion all summer. I’m now ... »

Child of God

I hear her whimper;      an infant, wrapped in a blanket, laid in the woods      on this snowy winter day. Fighting. Fighting for her life. Fighting to know the parents who didn’t want her. Who don’t deserve her. She hears my footsteps,      and begins to cry out with increasing fervor. I pick her up and press her tiny frozen body against mi... »

3D Tablet App Brings Youngsters Closer to Christianity

In the face of growing claims that Catholic education has become outdated and has failed to adopt more appealing methods to attract the youth to Christianity, many in the Catholic church are calling for innovative and modern solutions youngsters can re... »

2012 London Summer Olympics and the Muslim Outreach

Representatives from The Digital Bible Society were in London this month for the 2012 Summer Olympics. Working with an established London ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel with the hundreds of thousands of Arabic speakers that visit the UK each ... »