
Daily Audio Bible Offers Hope to Rwanda’s Children

A summer project has united a Nashville community who came together to build a state-of-the-art classroom that is being shipped to Rwanda. In an effort to unite and engage the local community in their hometown of Spring Hill, Tennessee, Daily Audio Bib... »

Merci to a Mercy Mission

When Église Nouvelle Vie (New Life Church) opened its doors in 1993 on the south shore of Montreal, 50 saints called the charismatic church home. Today, it’s become an army of more than 5,000 service-minded believers making a difference in a nation ... »

Chaplains Minister Motivation to Olympic Athletes

Madeline Mims has served as an Olympic chaplain for 24 years. When she travels to London for the 2012 Games, it will be her seventh time to fill that role. But strangely, as experienced as the former gold medalist is, she has no idea what to expect. By... »

Why We Must Invest in the Timothy Generation

Please don’t ignore the mandate to disciple young people. By J. Lee Grady I don’t think of myself as a particularly effective youth speaker. I’m in my 50s. No matter what brand of jeans I wear, high school kids are not going to label me “cool. »