
FedEx Employee Vindicated in Religious Discrimination Suit

Eric Weathers was just trying to answer a few of his coworker’s questions about the Bible. But the Chicago FedEx employee’s boss told him that discussions about religion and politics were “forbidden in the workplace.” When the boss refused to t... »

Historic Christian Prayer Gathering Underway in Muslim Indonesia

Thousands of the world’s Christian leaders are in Indonesia seeking God’s guidance on how to transform the nations with Christ’s message of love. It’s a historic prayer gathering in many ways, not the least of which is Indonesia... »

Lord, Send the Wind of a Fresh Pentecost!

In the days leading up to the Global Day of Prayer, let’s bombard heaven on behalf of the United States. By J. Lee Grady Twelve years ago a South African businessman, Graham Power, felt God nudge him to organize a prayer gathering in the city of Cape... »

Global Action Equips Uneducated Church Planters

In many areas of the world, pastors don’t have an opportunity to attend high school, much less seminary. Indeed, ministry training choices are not an option for most pastors in foreign nations—especially pastors who live in poor and remote area... »