
Is There Any Truth to the 2012 Predictions?

Is There Any Truth to the 2012 Predictions?

For several years there has been a public awareness of a prediction that has been based upon the Mayan Calendar concerning December of 2012.  According to authors and historians who consider themselves “experts” in deciphering the image cut in... »

The Wild Cat Returns Home!

The Wild Cat Returns Home!

Those who keep up with our family know that our home is a haven for several of God’s creatures, including two pocket parrots, a large African Grey and two cats. Months ago, Jonathan’s cat ran away from the house through an open garage door, and was... »

Over 440 Receive Degrees During Lee University Spring Commencement

A record number of graduates received diplomas during Lee University’s spring commencement exercises last weekend, May 4 and 5. It was the 155th time Lee University, the Church of God’s premier educational institution, held a graduation cer... »

Lawmakers Blast Vanderbilt over ‘Hostile’ Policy

The Congressional Prayer Caucus is challenging Vanderbilt University over a new school policy they say discriminates against religious student groups. The school has adopted a measure forcing campus organizations to consider any and all students for le... »