
Vandals Deface Display of Crosses at University

An art student desecrated a pro-life student club’s display of crosses by draping them with condoms and calling it an act of art. The incident occurred at Western Kentucky University (WKU). The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) sent the president of WKU a ... »

Miracle Healing Opens Doors to Sharing Gospel

“Jesus healed me! Jesus healed me!” Sanjula cried out when she saw Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Rupak Das again. Ten days before, Rupak had met 69-year-old Sanjula during a time of outreach. He learned the elderly lady was a widow of 10 yea... »

Poll: Pastors Uphold Christianity Exclusively

Nearly eight in 10 Protestant pastors strongly disagree that eternal life can be obtained through religions other than Christianity, according to a survey by LifeWay Research. The survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors asked respondents for their reaction ... »

“And He Still Abides”: The Testimony of T. L. McLain

“I thank God for letting me live to see the latter rain,” wrote T. L. McLain in the inaugural issue of the Church of God Evangel in March 1910. McLain was referring to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which he had received a few months earlier in wh... »