
Most Requested Messages

Most Requested Messages

NEWS FROM PERRY STONE MINISTRIES                               ... »

Persecution Not Stopping ‘Jesus’ in India

It’s Passion Week around the world–a time that often is marred by violence from those who oppose Christianity. Christians in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East are praying protection upon Christians as they begin remembering Christ during Go... »

Religious Characteristics of Non-Identifiers

Religious Characteristics of Non-Identifiers

26% No past religion, no current attendance, no religion in future 19% Past religion, no current attendance, no religion in future 11% Past religion, no current attendance, possible religion in future 11% Past religion, current attender, possible religion in future 10% Past religion, current attender, no religion in future 9% No past religion, current attender, no religion in future 8% No [...] »

Unleashing Forgiveness Transforms the Wounded

Professor and Teacher Larry D. Ellis has released a practical, but scholarly, book, Forgiveness: Unleashing a Transformational Process. It addresses the widespread problem of ongoing broken relationships between friends, family, and professional collea... »