
‘Suing the Devil’ to Be Released into 100 Million Homes on Good Friday

In what is seen as a huge boon to all Christian filmmakers, the intensely-anticipated Christian movie, ‘Suing the Devil’ will reach over 100 million households this Good Friday. The film will be available through On Demand through Comcast, ... »

When ‘Seeker Friendly’ Is a Good Thing

It’s OK to tone down certain charismatic manifestations to make church visitors feel welcome. I love it when the Holy Spirit moves in a church service. But I also know there’s a fine line between charismatic and charismaniac. Too often, those of us... »

When You Can’t Go Home

I hear the rainFalling on the roof,On the trees, andHitting the ground with force,Like an angry drunkSlamming his empty bottle ofBeer on the table,Demanding more."Just put it on my tab,"He says.The bartender replies,"I think it's time for you to go hom... »

Did you DIE?

At Shabbach DC, Pastor Daniel Gray preached a powerful word on Sunday asking if YOU had DIED yet. One of the reasons that the change doesn't stick after a conference like Shabbach is that some of us did not DIE. We tried to add God into the mix of a cRaZy lifestyle when what we really needed to do was to put that old stuff to death and be resurrected into a new life in Him. Don't believe me&hellip... »